
SIGGRAPH 2010 Talks provide a broad spectrum of presentations on recent achievements in all areas of computer graphics and interactive techniques, including art, design, animation, visual effects, interactivity, research, and engineering.

Talks provide a lightweight alternative to formal publication. They often highlight the latest developments before publication, present ideas that are still in progress, or showcase how computer graphics and interactive techniques are actually implemented and used, in graphics production or other fields. Talks can take you behind the scenes and into the minds of SIGGRAPH 2010 creators.

James Mohler
SIGGRAPH 2010 Director for Education
Purdue University

Avatar for Nerds

A Physically Based Approach to Virtual Character Deformations
Simon Clutterbuck, James Jacobs
Rendering Avatar: Spherical Harmonics in Production
Nick McKenzie, Martin Hill, Jon Allitt
PantaRay: directional occlusion for fast cinematic lighting of massive scenes
Jacopo Pantaleoni, Luca Fascione, Martin Hill, Timo Aila, Sebastian Sylwan, David Luebke

Elemental Training 101

Bending Fire With Plume, a CUDA-Based 3D Fluid Solver
Olivier Maury, Dan Piponi
Content: [PDF]
Creating Big Fire in "How to Train Your Dragon"
Brett Miller, Andrew Hayes, Ronald D. Henderson, Tobin Jones, Stuart Tett
Waterbending: Water Effects on "The Last Airbender"
Ian Sachs, Christopher D. Twigg, Lee Uren, Dan Pearson, Nick Rasmussen
Content: [PDF]
GPU Fluids in Production: Accelerating the Pressure Projection
Dan Bailey, Ian Masters
Content: [PDF]

All About Avatar

Virtual Production Stage
Dejan Momcilovic
Character and Environment Lighting Challenges on Avatar
Kevin Smith
Volume Rendering for Avatar
Antoine Bouthors, Mark Davies
Compositing Avatar
Peter Hillman, Erik Winquist, Matthew Welford

Rendering Intangibles

The Filigree Effect in "Shrek Forever After": Making Art Dynamic From Sketch to 3D
Andrew Kim
Content: [PDF]
Lighting and Rendering "Alice In Wonderland"
Adam Martinez, Terrance Tornberg
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Fast Furry Ray Gathering
Ivan Neulander
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An Error Estimation Framework for Photon Density Estimation
Toshiya Hachisuka, Wojciech Jarosz, Henrik Wann Jensen
Content: [PDF]

Detailed Surfaces

An Accurate Method for Acquiring High Resolution Skin Displacement Maps
Gino Acevedo, Sergei Nevshupov, Jess Cowely, Kevin Norris
Content: [PDF]
Sketch-based 3D shape retrieval
Mathias Eitz, Kristian Hildebrand, Tamy Boubekeur, Marc Alexa
Content: [PDF]
meshmixer: an interface for rapid mesh composition
Ryan Schmidt, Karan Singh
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Cyclic Twill-Woven Objects
Ergun Akleman, Jianer Chen, Yen-Lin Chen, Qing Xing
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Tissue & Medical Analysis

Dynamic Hard-Soft Tissue Models for Orofacial Biomechanics
Ian Stavness, John E. Lloyd, Sidney Fels, Yohan Payan
Content: [PDF]
Distance Visualization of Ultrascale Data With Explorable Images
Kwan-Liu Ma, Anna Tikhonova, Carlos D. Correa
Content: [PDF]
Exploration of Bat Wing Morphology Through A Strip Method and Visualization
Jian Chen, Daniel K. Riskin, Tatiana Y. Hubel, David Willis, Arnold Song, Hanyu Liu, Kenneth Breuer, Sharon M. Swartz, David H. Laidlaw
Content: [PDF]

Volumes and Precipitation

Digital Water for Avatar
Christoph Sprenger, Diego Trazzi, Allen Hemberger, Sebastian Marino
Prep and Landing - Christmas in July: The Effects Snow Process
Ian J. Coony, David Hutchins, Kevin Lee, Mike Harris, Tim Molinder, Kee Suong
Content: [PDF]
I Love It When A Cloud Comes Together
Sho Hasegawa, Jason Iversen, Hideki Okano, Jerry Tessendorf
Content: [PDF]
Single Scattering in Heterogenous Participating Media
Cyril Delalandre, Pascal Gautron, Jean-Eudes Marvie, Guillaume François
Content: [PDF]

Split Second Screen Space

Screen Space Classification for Efficient Deferred Shading
Neil Hutchinson, Balor Knight, Matthew Ritchie, George Parrish, Jeremy Moore
Content: [PDF]
Real-time Frame Rate Up-conversion for Video Games (or how to get from 30 to 60 fps for "free")
Dmitry Andreev
Content: [PDF]
Split Second Motion Blur
Matt Ritchie, Greg Modern, Kenny Mitchell
Content: [PDF]
A Deferred Shading Pipeline for Real-Time Indirect Illumination
Cyril Soler, Olivier Hoel, Frank Rochet
Content: [PDF]


Estimating subject-specific parameters for modeling hand joints
Lillian Y. Chang, Nancy S. Pollard
Content: [PDF]
Multigrid Optical Flow for Deformable Medical Volume Registration
Ariel Bernal, Ashok Thirumurthi, Hans Pabst, Tyler Nowicki, Michael McCool
Content: [PDF]
Sensorimotor Physiology: Modeling, Imaging, and Neural Control
Dinesh K. Pai, Kees van den Doel, Timothy Edmunds, Benjamin Gilles, David I. W. Levin, Shinjiro Sueda, Qi Wei, Sang Hoon Yeo
Content: [PDF]

Simulation In Production

Talking Trash: Technologies and Techniques for Simulating the Dump in "Toy Story 3"
David Ryu, Eric Froemling
Content: [PDF]
Simulating Rapunzel's Hair in Disney's "Tangled"
Kelly Ward, Maryann Simmons, Andy Milne, Hidetaka Yosumi, Xinmin Zhao
Content: [PDF]
Seamless Fracture in a Production Pipeline
Akash Garg, Kyle Maxwell
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High-detailed fluid simulations on the GPU
Mattias Lagergren, Fredrik Limsäter, Björn Rydahl
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Blowing $h!t Up

Avatar : Bending Rigid Bodies
Brice Criswell, Michael Lentine, Steve Sauers
Content: [PDF]
Transformers 2 : Breaking Buildings
Brice Criswell, Jeff Smith, David Deube
Content: [PDF]
Destroying LA for "2012"
Nafees Bin Zafar, David Stephens, Mårten Larsson, Ryo Sakaguchi, Michael Clive, Ramprasad Sampath, Ken Museth, Dennis Blakey, Brian Gazdik, Robby Thomas
Content: [PDF]

Visualization for Art & Design

Visualizing a Classic CPU in Action: The 6502
Greg James, Barry Silverman, Brian Silverman
Content: [PDF]
The Universe of Fonts, Charted by Machine
Jörn Loviscach
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Synesthetic Color Scheme in Fantasia
D. Cai, S. Goto, T. Shinohara, N. Nagata, J. Kurumisawa, A. Fukumoto
Content: [PDF]
Olga Subirós, Todd Palmer
Content: [PDF]

Pipelines and Asset Management

Avatar - Modeling a Jungle - From Template to Film
Shawn Dunn, Marco Revelant
Managing thousands of assets for the Prince of Persia city of Alamut
Gregory Meeres-Young, Hannes Ricklefs, Robert Tovell
Content: [PDF]
Shared Perspectives in 2D and 3D Day & Night
Michael Fu, Sean Feeley, Sandy Karpman
Prep and Landing - Set'm and Forget'm: A Motion Graphics Pipeline for Effects
Ian J. Coony, Brian Silva, Bruce Wright, Andrew Kinney
Content: [PDF]
Example-based Texture Synthesis on Disney's Tangled
Christian Eisenacher, Chuck Tappan, Brent Burley, Daniel Teece, Arthur Shek
Content: [PDF]

APIs for Rendering

Open Shading Language
Larry Gritz, Clifford Stein, Chris Kulla, Alejandro Conty
Content: [PDF]
REYES using DirectX 11
Andrei Tatarinov
Content: [PDF]
WebGLot: High-Performance Visualization in the Browser
Dan Lecocq, Markus Hadwiger, Alyn Rockwood
Content: [PDF]

Motion & Emotion

On-Site Real-Time 3D Match Move for MR-based Previsualization with Relighting
Ryosuke Ichikari, Kaori Kikuchi, Wataru Toishita, Ryuhei Tenmoku, Fumihisa Shibata, Hideyuki Tamura
Content: [PDF]
Motion Regularization for Matting Motion Blurred Objects
Lin Hai Ting, Tai Yu-Wing, Michael S. Brown
Content: [PDF]
The Mimic Game: Real-time Recognition and Imitation of Emotional Facial Expressions
Nicolas Stoiber, Olivier Aubault, Renaud Seguier, Gaspard Breton
Content: [PDF]
Effective Animation of Sign Language with Prosodic Elements for Annotation of Digital Educational Content
Nicoletta Adamo-Villani, Kyle Hayward, Jason Lestina, Ronnie Wilbur
Content: [PDF]

Fun In Flatland

NPR Gabor Noise for Coherent Stylization
Pierre Bénard, Ares Lagae, Peter Vangorp, Sylvain Lefebvre, George Drettakis, Joëlle Thollot
Content: [PDF]
Project Gustav: Immersive Digital Painting
William Baxter, Nelson Chu, Naga Govindaraju
Content: [PDF]
Real-Time GPU-based Video Upscaling from Local Self Examples
Gilad Freedman, Raanan Fattal
Content: [PDF]
Interactively Browsing Large Image Collections
Ronald Richter, Mathias Eitz, Marc Alexa
Content: [PDF]

Games & Real Time

User Generated Terrain in ModNation Racers
James Grieve, Clint Hanson, John (Liuguo) Zhang, Lucas Granito, Cody Snyder
Content: [PDF]
Irradiance Rigs
Hong Yuan, Derek Nowrouzezahrai, Peter-Pike Sloan
Content: [PDF]
Practical morphological antialiasing on the GPU
Venceslas Biri, Adrien Herubel, Stephane Deverly
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Curvature-Dependent Reflectance Function for Rendering Translucent Materials
Hiroyuki Kubo, Yoshinori Dobashi, Shigeo Morishima
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Interaction Omelette

Head-mounted Photometric Stereo for Performance Capture
Andrew Jones, Graham Fyffe, Xueming Yu, Alex Ma, Jay Busch, Mark Bolas, Paul Debevec
Content: [PDF]
Dynamic Luminance Correction for Colored Surfaces
Naoki Hashimoto, Akio Watanabe
Content: [PDF]
A Laser-Based System for Through-the-Screen Collaboration
Ian Robinson, Kar Han Tan, Ramin Samadani, Bruce Culbertson, John Apostolopoulos
Content: [PDF]
A Spatial Workbench for Physically-Based Sound
Benjamin Schroeder, Richard Parent, Marc Ainger
Content: [PDF]

Fur, Feathers and Trees

Ways to Skin a "Hairless" Cat: Building a Creepy Kitty Villain at Tippett Studio
Aharon Bourland, Michael Farnsworth, Scott Liedtka
Content: [PDF]
Furtility: Dynamic Grooming for Wolfman
Damien Fagnou, James Leaning
Content: [PDF]
Feathers for Mystical Creatures: Creating Pegasus for Clash of the Titans
James Leaning, Damien Fagnou
Content: [PDF]
Art-directing Disney's Tangled Procedural Trees
Arthur Shek, Dylan Lacewell, Andrew Selle, Daniel Teece, Tom Thompson
Content: [PDF]


Content-Adaptive Parallax Barriers for Automultiscopic 3D Display
Douglas Lanman, Matthew Hirsch, Yunhee Kim, Ramesh Raskar
Content: [PDF]
NiCE Formula Editor
Jakob Leitner, Christian Rendl, Florian Perteneder, Adam Gokcezade, Thomas Seifried, Michael Haller, Robert Zeleznik, Andrew Bragdon
Content: [PDF]
3D Multitouch: When Tactile Tables Meet Immersive Visualization Technologies
Jean-Baptiste de la Rivière, Cédric Kervégant, Nicolas Dittlo, Mathieu Courtois, Emmanuel Orvain
Content: [PDF]
Z-touch: A multi-touch system that detects spatial gestures near the tabletop
Yoshiki Takeoka, Takashi Miyaki, Jun Rekimoto
Content: [PDF]